Construction types

Single scissor lift
Stiff lifting system with optimised scissors kinematics Cases of application are from assembly stations for adjustment of the ergonomical working height to stacking applications to load and unload trucks.

Double horizontal scissors
This design is applicable where high loads have to be lifted, where big platforms are required and where the closed height is restriced.

Double vertical scissors
This model is always used where great height differences must be overcome but the installation room is limited.

Threefold vertical scissors
This model is always used where great height differences must be overcome but the installation room is limited.

Low profile scissor lift
A pit for installation is not required, due to the minimal closed-height.

Low profile scissor lift in u-shape
These lifters are designed to be loaded by means of a pallet truck. Due to the extra-low design and the cut-out in the upper frame the load can be set directly onto the platform.